Instrument Interfacing (Automation)

Automation of Instrument - UniDirectional / Bi-Directional

Instrument Interfacing

Laboratory Information System (LIS) Interfacing is a process of automating Laboratory Testing processes by connecting analyzer instruments and the host computer through a software. The complete workflow from running tests and result entry is performed by the software without human intervention.

Interface Instruments LIMS

Benefits of Automation

  • No chance of misplacement of the sample as each of them is barcoded.
  • Interchanging of results and samples can be avoided.
  • Increases efficiency of staff as it reduces manual work.
  • Efficient use of analyzer reagents and effective cost-saving.
  • Prevents any kind of malpractice as the analyzer reads the barcode and automatically performs the test.
  • Hospitals can manage with a lesser number of laboratory staff.
  • Significant reduction in error as there will be no human intervention.
  • Complete tracking of the process within the laboratory with the live status of each sample.
  • Improves turnaround time, reports dispatched quicker, and serving patients better

How does Interfacing Work ?

  • Sample like blood, urine, etc. is drawn from the patient.
  • LIS system prints the barcode and is attached to the container.
  • Machine reads the barcode and performs the test.
  • The machine pushes reports into the LIS without human intervention.
  • The report is given to the patient and updated to HMS software
UniDirectional / Bi-Directional

Interfacing Instruments We Serve

We interface the following equipment manufacturers for interfacing

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